LKMS PTA Fundraisers

Fundraising!  We all remember when we were kids…..trotting home with our popcorn, gift wrap, cookies and pizza kits, and then going door-to-door, asking our neighbors to support us.  Now, it’s your child’s turn. But the LKMS PTA wants to make it simple– silent fundraising!

SILENT FUNDRAISING is an easy, simple way to contribute to the  Lime Kiln Middle School community!

Amazon Smile – Generate donations for LKMS PTA through your regular Amazon shopping! Just visit and select “Lime Kiln Middle School PTA”. Aportion of eligible purchases will be donated to the school!

Harris Teeter Together in EducationHarris Teeter’s Together in Education (TIE) Program – Simply link (or re-link) your VIC card. You may do so at the register, the Customer Service desk, call 1-800-432-6111 or on-line at You can link up to five schools!

aplus-logo-verticalGiant Grocery Store’s A+ School Rewards Program – Simply register (or re-register) your Giant card by logging on to their website at or call 1-877-275-2758 to register over the phone.

esi_logoSafeway’s eScrip Program – Participate in the eScrip Program year-round by logging on to to register. Lime Kiln’s School ID is 6528500.

boxtopBOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION – Clip Box Tops. The box is in the front lobby of LKMS by the benches. We batch the Box Tops in baggies of 50 – so if you are collecting them please send them in this way. LKMS receives 10 cents for every Box Top and they really add up.

GOTTA EAT NIGHT – These occur throughout the school year at multiple locations within the Fulton/Laurel/Columbia area.  A portion of sales go directly to LKMS PTA.  Please continue to check our website and The Leopard’s Tale for Gotta Eat Night participation info.

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